How do I deactivate my PIN code?

When you want to deactivate your PIN code, you first have to log in into your personal webspace via

Next, click on "Manage my card and my account".




Click on "PIN code" of the card, for which you would like to deactivate the PIN code. 



The status of your PIN code will be shown as follows. If you have activated your PIN code, the status will be "Active". Next, you can click on "Deactivate".


The following message will appear on the screen. Next, you have to click on "Close" (you don't have to click on "Deactivate" any longer). 


The next time you consult the status of your PIN code, you will find that is "In deactivation phase". This status will remain as long as you don't make any transaction, as it is said in the following message.


Once you have made said transaction and given your PIN code for the last time, its status will change into "Deactivated". 



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